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Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas Dog Tag

I'm very late on this - just haven't been able to blog with all that's going on before Christmas we go...

The player of this game starts with "3 things he/she would love to get for Christmas" and "3 things he/she definitely does not want to get for Christmas". Then he/she tags 5 dog friends and lists their names.

The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And the one who tags needs to leave a comment that says "you've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Okay --- 3 things Honey would love to get. Thinking like Honey --- something she's been trying to get me to do for ages - she stares at me, trying to hypnotize me into doing her bidding - which I think often involves opening the refrigerator door to get out some cheese, bringing me to:
1) a big block of cheese cut into squares hidden all around the house - the better to enjoy because each morsel has been discovered.
2) a group of people paying devoted attention to her - saying her name, rubbing her belly, letting her lick their necks and/or feet. I first discovered Honey's love of a crowd on the sad occasion of my friend's father's memorial. I picked up Honey after the church service and brought her to my friend's house (with permission) saying I would stay in their back yard - I wasn't intending to be there very long anyway. Honey and I sat in the back with a few other people (mainly ones who wanted to smoke) when my friend's son came out and started visiting with Honey and saying he wanted to go get his brother and show him Honey's trick repertoire. He wanted to take Honey with him to find his brother so I said he just shouldn't take her in the house - take her up to the door and have him come out (all out of respect for my friend's house). I said I would wait for them to come back I chatted with some second cousins three times removed (I'm making that up but I had no idea who these people were) and I waited and waited. Finally, I got up to see what was up. While I was ostracized in the back because of Honey, she had been enjoying herself in the living room. When I came in she was literally in the center of a circle of people, on her back stretched out with my friend's two sons sitting down on either side. She was having a blast at that memorial.
3) And, if I'm reading Honey's mind right, I'm sure she wants this.

I know cold is relative but, gotta, say, it's relatively very cold here - has gotten down to 36 degrees and for a short-haired/no-haired dog like a pit, it can be very chilly. Unfortunately for her, I think I'm going to try and knit her something instead. It will be my first knitting attempt in ages so it should be pretty amusing.

Three things Honey does NOT want:
1) To be left home alone.
2) To have to go through another TPLO (fresh in mind since it was this time last year her limp drove us to the vet to finally get operated on January 6 - followed by four months of limited play)
3) A bath and....maybe a handknit sweater.

Okay ---- I will tag Jan and the Poodle and Dog Blog, Cara and the DogNabbit Blog. I was going to tag Carina but I just noticed she was already tagged but not to speak for her dogs...for herself. Hey - if I'd known we could do that I would've had a completely different list....but it would've been hard to keep it to three...:)


Blogger Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hi, we put the DWB randomizer on our blog and you came up when we posted our entry this morning. We came by to visit. We hope Honey gets her cheese ... you do have a lot of influence in that. Have a Merry Christmas and, if you have time, come by to visit us. There are so many members of DWB, we don't even know half of them anymore.

Roxie, Sammy & Andy

6:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jan isn't here to play tag and won't be back with the dogs until Christmas Eve. The cat is here but she doesn't talk to me.

I sent you an email but it bounced back.

Merry Christmas to you and Honey.


8:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Jill and Honey,
We're back home now.

Wishing you and Honey a great Christmas and spectacular 2007.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Carina said...

I like the cheese idea!
Funny...I was just on the Orvis site yesterday, looking at their "indestructible" dog bed. Holy moly, over $200 with shipping. But, they have very, very cool stuff.
Hope you and Honey had a wonderful Christmas!

3:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question isn't "what does she want?", but "will she get what she wants?", isn't it?
Hope you and Honey had a Merry one and the both of you got at least one thing on your list!

5:09 AM  

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