A lot going on but no time to blog
Right now so - some animal things people have sent me lately:
a cat with a bus route
a hamster eating broccoli
Pit Bulls being trained as Narcotic Search Dogs
I never thought about how the Police force imports dogs from Germany (at a lot of expense) to be drug search dogs and Law Dogs USA encourages them to use rescued pit bulls instead - very hopeful!
A couple of dog jokes that make me think I know what Honey's up to when I'm not around:
And finally, one of the latest PIN (pets in need) dogs on OSLF - the Orthodogs Silver Lining Foundation where I try to volunteer as often as possible.
This is the cutest Shar-Pei named Shiloh who had to have a leg amputated because of owner neglect. Sad but he was rescued and things are now looking bright for the sweet little pup and tripod dogs get around really well. This picture was sent after Shiloh receiving a boxful of dog goodies from the OSLF founders. Gotta love that face!